Raw Hooks

Modern hooks allows experienced modders to directly modify the prototype object being hooked. This is how all hooks used to be written for Modding Script Hooks, and both basic hooks and tree hooks ultimately create raw hooks that are run on the prototype object. However, those specialized hooks perform some additional error handling, validation, and even fix some edge case bugs, and should therefore be used in place of raw hooks whenever possible.


The basic idea around raw hooks is very simple, you register a function that you'd like to be called when a specific prototype object is processed, and then your function is executed with the prototype as the sole passed argument.

local mymod = ::Hooks.register("mod_my_cool_mod", "1.0.0", "My Cool Mod!")
mymod.rawHook("scripts/items/item", function(p) {
	// p here is the prototype BB Class
	// we can set the default value for a field
	p.m.Name = "ERROR UNSET NAME";
	// add a function
	p.MyCoolMod_foo <- function()
		::logInfo("Hello World!");
	// or perform any other manipulation

An identically structured function exists for the tree variant of raw hooks, which is used by all tree hooks.

mymod.rawHookTree("scripts/items/item", function(p) {
	// this will execute once for each item
	// and each time p will be the BB Class
	// for the item being hooked