Switcheroo Hook

This advanced type of hook uses the fact that it is possible to modify Squirrel tables on the fly, and since BB Classes are also tables they can be modified too. This means we can modify the fields and functions of bb objects during runtime. This has much greater performance implications than any normal type of hook, but sometimes it is the only alternative to completely overwriting a function and therefore negatively impacting mod compatibility.

This concept is easiest to explain with an example, say we'd like to modify the minimum chance to hit, by making it 10% instead of 5%. Without switcheroo hooks this would require us to use a wrap function hook to replace the original function (attackEntity in scripts/skills/skill) and fully overwrite it, this is obviously undesirable as only one mod can do this and it can easily break with game updates. Instead, we could take a look at the function and notice that it uses

this.Math.max(5, this.Math.min(95, toHit))

to calculate the ceiling and floor for the chance to hit. So, if we were to replace the ::Math.max function, and make it so that if the first parameter is a 5 we treat is as a 10, we would be able to change the minimum hit chance. We could do this relatively easily using a wrap function hook

<Mod>.hook("scripts/skills/skill", function(q){
	q.attackEntity @(__original) function( _user, _targetEntity, _allowDiversion = true )
		local max = ::Math.max; // store the original function locally
		::Math.max = function (_a, _b) { // replace with our wrapper
			if (_a == 5) // if the first parameter is 5, we increase it to 10
				_a = 10;
			return max(_a, _b); // return the original result
		local ret = _originalFunction( _user, _targetEntity, _allowDiversion); // run the function we are hooking
		::Math.max = max; // restore the original function
		return ret; // technically unnecessary in this case but is easy to forget in other situations