Best Practices

Mod Zip file

Should be snake_case, prefixed with mod_. For example


It is also acceptable to append your version to the file name when sharing directly or uploading as a GitHub release, for example:


However, do keep in mind that nexusmods will automatically append this information along with its own identifier for your mod file. When using nexusmods your mod files should end up looking like this when downloaded:


Main Mod File Name

The name of your main file in scripts/!mods_preload should be the same as the name of your zip file, except without any version information. For example:

  • scripts/!mods_preload/mod_msu.nut
  • scripts/!mods_preload/mod_eimo.nut

Mod ID

This is used by other mods to recognize your mod (especially MSU and Hooks) and should therefore never change, but it would ideally also be the same as your Mod Zip file, for example:

  • mod_msu
  • mod_modern_hooks

Mod Version

Modern Hooks enforces the use of SemVer for mods registering with it directly (though it does support float versions when patching registration for Adam's Modding Script Hooks, as well as when setting version requirements to preserve backwards compatibility). For example:

  • 1.0.0
  • 0.1.0
  • 1.4.12-beta.1+buildmetadata.wowlookathowfaryoucango.1.4.12312

Mod Structure

For this section, mod_example_mod is used a stand-in for the mod ID, your mod ID should follow the appropriate convention. Mods should follow the following structure to prevent conflicts with other mods and allow for easy and clean organization of files.

/scripts/!mods_preload/mod_example_mod This is the one main mod file every mod should have to register its presence. Follow the appropriate conventions for name and contents.

/mod_example_mod/ By using the global ::include function, it is possible to load additional scripts outside of the vanilla /scripts folder by including them from your main mod file. To be able to control the order of when your scripts are run, all hooks and any global (non-BB Class)objects should be defined in this root folder.

ui/mods/mod_example_mod/ You should use this folder for your UI files in accordance with best practices for those files.

If you have BB Classes inheriting from vanilla classes, those should follow the same organizational structure as vanilla, for example if you have an item that inherits from scripts/items/item, it should probably be in one of the subfolders in scripts/items, with the same logic following for skills, origins (called scenarios in-game) and any other BB Classes. Be sure to following the naming conventions for new BB classes


The ::include function allows you to load additional script files outside of the vanilla /scripts folder, this is often desirable as it allows you to control when your script are loaded. It can be combined with ::IO.enumerateFiles to easily load an entire folder (including subdirectories) of files.


We have a /mod_example/ folder which contains the files global_functions.nut and constants.nut, as well another folder called hooks/ which contains a number of files setting up |hooks. We'd like the constants.nut to be loaded first followed by global_functions and finally hooks/, but we don't care what order the hooks are loaded in relative to each other.

In our main file's Queuing function we would do the following

// inside queue function after registering with libraries like MSU
foreach (file in ::IO.enumerateFiles("mod_example/hooks"))

and everything would get loaded in the order we wanted.

Contents of Main Mod File

Your main mod file should declare a global table for your mod to use, with the keys

It should then register with Modern Hooks (or modding script hooks for older mods), and Queuing the main mod function that will be executed for your mod. The first thing you should do when queuing is register with any libraries (like MSU) that you use. Finally, if your mod is any larger than one or two hooks, you should ::include files for your mod, and register and JS/CSS file your mod adds.


::MyCoolMod <- {
	ID = "mod_my_cool_mod",
	Name = "My AwesomeSauce Mod",
	Version = "1.0.1-beta.1"

local mod = ::Hooks.register(::MyCoolMod.ID, ::MyCoolMod.Version, ::MyCoolMod.Name);
mod.require("mod_i_need >= 1.14.4", "mod_i_need_and_want_to_load_before");
mod.conflictWith("mod_that_breaks_on_specific_version = 1.4.0");

mod.queue("<mod_i_need_and_want_to_load_before", ">mod_i_want_to_load_after", function() {
	::MyCoolMod.Mod <- ::MSU.Class.Mod(::MyCoolMod.ID, ::MyCoolMod.Version, ::MyCoolMod.Name); // registering with MSU
	::include("mod_my_cool_mod/load"); // running loading script in main folder
	::Hooks.registerJS("ui/mods/my_cool_mod/my_screen.js"); // registering JS file
	::Hooks.registerCSS("ui/mods/my_cool_mod/css/my_css.css"); // registering CSS file

New Class Fields

When adding a new field to a Battle Brothers Class, your field should begin with your mod name in PascalCase., followed by an underscore _, followed by the name of your new field in PascalCase. For example:

  • MyCoolMod_MyNewField
  • MyOtherMod_MySpecialField

This is to prevent collisions caused by two mods adding the same field to the same class or an ancestor/descendant.

New Class functions

When adding a new function to a Battle Brothers Class, your function should begin with your mod name in PascalCase., followed by an underscore _, followed by the name of your new field in camelCase. For example:

  • MyCoolMod_myNewFunction
  • MyOtherMod_mySpecialFunction

This is to prevent collisions caused by two mods adding the same function to the same class or an ancestor/descendant.

Function parameters

In all of Battle Brothers, function parameter named begin with an underscore _ followed by the name of the parameter in camelCase, it is therefore strongly recommended to follow the same convention. For example

  • _someParameter
  • _someOtherVeryLongParamater
  • _parameter

New Battle Brothers Class Names

When adding new Battle Brothers Classes to an existing folder, prefix your file name with your Mod ID, except in this case you do not need to begin with mod_. For example:

  • scripts/items/weapons/my_cool_mod_my_cool_weapon.nut
  • scripts/skills/actives/my_cool_mod_my_new_skill.nut

JS/CSS Files

When adding new JS or CSS files, you should use a new folder in ui/mods/ for all of your mods UI content. This folder should have the same name as your mod id, though the mod_ prefix is optional. For example:

  • ui/mods/mod_my_cool_mod
  • ui/mods/my_other_mod

Then, you would place your JS/CSS files inside that folder however you wish, though it is generally recommended to group your css together, you might therefore end up with files something like:

  • ui/mods/mod_my_cool_mod/css/my_special_css.css
  • ui/mods/my_other_mod/js/my_new_screen.js